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How to attract pretty girls

已有 1479 次阅读2009-5-21 15:13 |

Good afternoon Everyone.I am  Joey.

The topic of my presentation is how to attract pretty girls?

Marrying a beauty or having a pretty girl to be girl friend is the dream of every man.But how to make the dream come true?

Maybe you are not rich, not handsome and not talented. Take it easy. That’s doesn’t   matter. I will give you some advice. Please don’t give up.

First, you must be confident.I think this is the most important thing to you.You must have an optimistic attitude to the life. You need more contacts with the girls.It will help you know them.That’s the first step,if you want to date a girl,you must know her before. The confidence make you more brave when you face to a pretty girl.Don’t  be so shy .If you talk with her,please look at her eyes.Let her feel you are sincere.Maybe she will hear that “oh,baby,I really really love you,marry me

Second, you must be humorous.I believe the talk is the main way to know each other.So you will have some conversation with her.As a man, you should conduct the conversation. Please select the topic which she will be interested in deliberately.It will set up a good fundamental environment to your conversation.You can pad some funny jokes in the talk.If she is moved by the joke and laugh,it will help you left a good impression to her.But note one thing. That is very important. The jokes must be enough fresh.Don’t tell her a hoary old joke that she had heard many times before.That’s so stupid.

Third, you must be responsible. You should treat the love seriously.If you love her, please respect her. Don’t say lie to her. Don’t attract other girls if you still love with her.You should behave more matured.Don’t be arbitrary like kids.You should try to keep a stable job and a stable salary. If you want to have a job-hopping,please have a negotiation with her,even reference to her advice.Maybe you can’t earn so much money a month.Don’t worry about it .You should save every coin possibly so that you have enough money to set up the family of you both.It’s your responsibility that let her feel security with you.

If you follow what I said,you will be successful!

That’s all.

Thank you.







发表评论 评论 (14 个评论)

回复 Coloo 2009-5-21 20:48
Be honest, a bit sick with ur presentation, there is nothing more but too academic!
回复 touareg 2009-5-21 21:15
Coloo: Be honest, a bit sick with ur presentation, there is nothing more but too academic!
,it's just a homework.So it must be official.
回复 Coloo 2009-5-21 21:59
touareg: ,it's just a homework.So it must be official.
Forget about my comments. It's a pretty reasonable for a homework, i'm sure u'll be getting better next time.  Keeping practice.
回复 群姐姐 2009-6-12 10:29
回复 touareg 2009-6-12 14:24
群姐姐: 哈哈,心思全用这啦。我英语没那么好,来中文版的
回复 touareg 2009-6-12 14:24
群姐姐: 哈哈,心思全用这啦。我英语没那么好,来中文版的
回复 群姐姐 2009-6-12 21:53
touareg: ,哪有!这是一次英语培训之后,老外布置的作业,要去做5分钟演讲的。这个只能算是个草稿或者纲要吧,实际讲的时候不会按照这个原原本本的念得。要临场发
回复 群姐姐 2009-6-12 21:56
touareg: ,你可以用金山词霸对照着看。俺写的很简单的,没有什么复杂的句子。
回复 touareg 2009-6-15 10:18
群姐姐: 你是想告诉我你英语很好嘛?额....好吧我知道啦,你成功啦
回复 touareg 2009-6-15 10:20
群姐姐: 大概其是能看懂,倒还没有那么看不懂啦
回复 群姐姐 2009-6-15 16:21
touareg: ,能看懂就好了嘛。其实跟老外交流不一定那么注重语法,只要你能把符合意思的单词讲出来就行了。交流主要是表达清楚意思,让别人知道你说的是什么,你也
回复 touareg 2009-6-15 16:52
群姐姐: 呵呵是的,可是我比较幸运,我碰到的都是会讲中文的耶哈哈。又一次老外说了一句客套话:“你很票娘!”(你很漂亮)哈哈笑坏我啦,我觉得他们都好可爱啊!
回复 群姐姐 2009-6-15 16:54
touareg: ,有没有遇到过老外把“很高兴”说成是“含笑九泉”的?
回复 touareg 2009-6-15 17:03
群姐姐: 这个差太远啦吧?哈哈


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