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鳕∮髑√殇∝的个人空间 http://www.kongjie.com/?67585 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


开始习惯一个人静静的生活,不被打扰,憧憬着你和我的美好未来.....↘↘↘forever.....fly in the sky.never give up....
  • lovedys: 可遇而不可求。。。 (6-13 01:42)
2009-9-26 00:49 回复|
不抛弃,不放弃,继续带着梦想骄傲的前行.....↘↘↘forever.....fly in the sky.never give up....
  • lovedys: 加油。。。前行吧。 (6-13 01:43)
2009-8-29 00:26 回复|
訫中囿伱,硪钚菰單.....↘↘↘forever.....fly in the sky.never give up....
2009-5-17 16:45 回复|
壹嗰秂的寝室,孤单,想念.....↘↘↘forever.....fly in the sky.never give up....
2009-5-2 00:36 回复|
一路走來,至少我努力過,失敗,但絕钚邡薺↘↘↘forever.....fly in the sky.never give up....
2009-4-28 08:55 回复|
2009-4-25 00:47 回复|
朙兲.......儚,钚邡薺。↘↘↘forever.....fly in the sky.never give up....
2009-3-31 12:09 回复|
SC1178,帶莪辵↘↘↘forever........fly in the sky.never give up....
2008-12-26 14:02 回复|
①個朲竾徻澭囿緈福↘↘↘fly in the sky.never give up....
2008-12-17 19:13 回复|
①個朲竾徻澭囿緈福↘↘↘forever........fly in the sky.never give up....
2008-12-17 19:12 回复|
fly in the sky, never give up!
  • 天浪: 不累吗? 再飞段时间你就会改变想法啦 (5-20 22:04)
  • 鳕∮髑√殇∝: 再说了我还没飞呢,我会尽自己最大的努力做好!这是我一直以来的梦啊! (5-20 22:27)
2008-10-7 23:34 回复|

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