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[厦航] 乘务英语(Cabin English)


发表于 2007-7-3 19:50:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Passenger Reception and Seat Arrangement 迎接旅客和安排座位

One stewardess stands at the front cabin door to welcome the passengers aboard.Others show the passengers to their seats and arrange their baggage.)

S:stewardess P:passengerS: Good morning,sir.Welcome aboard

P1: Good morning!Could you direct me to my seat?

S: Sure.Your boarding pass,please?

P1: Yes.Here it is.S: It“s 16A.Well ,it“s in the middle of the cabin,the window seat.This way,please.I“ll show you your seat.(They find that the seat has been occupied by a woman.)

P1: You did say a window seat?

S: Yes.Row 16 seat A.I“m afraid the woman might be in the wrong seat.Please wait a minute here.

P1: Excuse me,ma“am.May I see your boarding pass?

P2: Here you are.

S: I“m afraid you“re sitting in the wrong seat.This is 16A,but your seat number is 6A,in the front of the cabin.The numb
ers are shown along the overhead compartment

.P2: Oh.I“m sorry.I“ll move,then.

S: That“s all right.May I help you with your bags?

P2: No,I can do it myself.Thank you just the same.

S: That“s all right now,sir.

P1: What a relief.Thank you very much

.S: You are welcome.


参与人数 2经验 +6 收起 理由
zhezhe + 2 好东西
石头 + 4 精品文章


空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew

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发表于 2007-7-3 20:54:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-3 21:08:24 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 21:24:11 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2 沈菲 的帖子

不谢 基本的拉  以后看到有用的 或者想到好的 再发
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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发表于 2007-7-3 21:48:07 | 显示全部楼层
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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发表于 2007-7-3 22:24:56 | 显示全部楼层
Baggage  Arrangement 行李放置
S & P 同上
S:Whose bag is it?
P1:It's mine.I don't know where to put it. the overhead compartment is full and i've tried to put it under the seat,but  it doesn't fit,Can you help me?
S:You know,nobody is allowed to leave baggage here as the aisle mustn't be blocked.but don't worry.please carry the bag and follow me.maybe there will be some room in the front cabin.(they come to the front cabin.the stewardess opens one of the overhead compartments and she finds a handcart in it)
S:whose handcart is this,please?
p2:why?it' mine.what's up?
s:pleesa don't put your handcart in the overhead compartment.in case of turbulance,it might fall down and hurt somebody.could you place it under your  seat?
s:thank you very much.(to the first passenger )now your problem has been solved.
(the stewardess helps passenger put his bag into the compartment)
P1h,my god
s:what's happened!
p1:where's my leather briefcase?
s:where did you put it?is it in the overhead compartment or somewhere else?
p1:i did put it beside m on my seat.it must have dropped on the cabin floor when i got up from my seat.i'll go and look for it.
s:now hurry.i'm sure you could find it
(p1 goes back to his seat and find his briefcase under the seat)
s:have you found it?
s:where did you find it?
P1:just under the seat.that had me worried for a while.thank you for your help
s:not at all.

把大小写省略了 也可能有的地方打错了 见谅哈!

空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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发表于 2007-7-3 23:09:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-3 23:11:12 | 显示全部楼层
ding le  
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发表于 2007-7-3 23:34:52 | 显示全部楼层
恩  恩   不错的帖
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-3 23:39:53 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #9 zhezhe 的帖子

   多谢多谢..... 偶想击鼓传花  西西
空乘婚恋http://www.51Love.cc 机组人员在英文里称为Cabin Crew
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